Final Project

Due Nov. 27 at class time

Presentations will be Nov. 27 and Dec. 29

Much easier on this one:

  • Write a tutorial for your R Package

    • The R package must be installable by other members of the class and installation instructions must be included in the tutorial (30%)
    • If data are required for your tutorial, instructions to download the data must be included
    • An example of each function must be included (20%)
    • Tutorial must be in RMarkdown format (5%)
    • Tutorial should explain what the function does, and why this is a useful good, or interesting thing to do (15%)
  • Render the tutorial and upload it to the package website (20%)

  • During class (10%):

    • Make a good faith effort to follow along with other’s tutorials
    • During your tutorial, present your material slowly enough for others to be able to keep up and do your exercises.
    • Aim for about 10 minutes of talk time explaining what you did, how you did it, and why this was the best way to do your work.
  • After Presentations

    • If anything didn’t work during your presentation, you have until our scheduled final time (Monday, December 4, 12:30 PM) to revise it and get me a final copy.