10 points, due Oct. 20 at 5 PM

For your final project in this class, you will be making an R Package. It will consist of 5 functions that do the following:

  • A function to clean some data of your choice

  • A function to somehow manipulate, subset, or transform data

  • A statistical function (ANOVA, LM, other of your choosing)

  • A function that plots data

  • One for fun

  • MS/H-Option, one additional function pertaining to your research data.

This week in class, you wrote one of your functions and added, committed and pushed it to GitHub.

Make the remaining four .R files (five if you’re an MS or H-Option student) in the scripts directory of your Lastname_pkg RStudio project. Title each one with what it will do. For example, if your function will make a histogram, title it “HistogramPlot.R” or something similar. Inside each, write a 1-2 sentence description of what the script will do. You do not need to write the function body now. I just want you to think carefully about what your functions will do, and I’d like to be able to see the types of things you’re wanting to do.

Add, commit, and push the four (or five if you’re MS or H-Option) function files and the data to GitHub.