To be completed in lieu of class 10/17 and 10/19/2023.

For your final project in this class, you will be developing an R package. For all participants in this class, this R package will contain:

  • A function to clean some data of your choice
  • A function to somehow manipulate, subset, or transform data
  • A statistical function (ANOVA, LM, other of your choosing)
  • A function that plots data
  • One of your choosing.

5 total functions

For graduate students and H-Option students, you will also include one additional function of your choosing for 6 total functions.

This week, you will begin this, in earnest. In the YourLastname_pkg, in your R folder, choose one of the above functions. Write it. Add, commit, and push it to GitHub.

Homework Seven builds on this concept and will be due Oct. 20.