Plotting and choices

10 points, due Oct. 28 at 5 PM

For your final project in this class, you will be making an R Package. It will consist of 3 functions that do the following:

  • One to clean up data, such as removing NAs or renaming columns
  • One to plot data
  • One of some sort of statistical test

(Master’s and H-Option students see below)

You may work with any of the data sets we’ve worked with this semester, the ants, the surveys. Your choice.

For this week:

Make three .R files (5 if you’re an MS or H-Option student) in the scripts directory of your Lastname_pkg RStudio project. Title each one with what it will do. For example, if your function will make a histogram, title it “HistogramPlot.R” or something similar. Inside each, write a 1-2 sentence description of what the script will do.

Add, commit, and push the three (or five) functions and the data to GitHub.