Communicating Results

We don’t just do data analysis to do it. Usually, we need to share it with someone else. Whether that is a member of a lab, our boss, the general public, we need to be able to communicate results effectively. Most people probably do not want to look at data the way we’ve been looking for it.

The purpose of this notebook is to look at making tables prettier. We want to enable whoever we’re talking to to turn the data we have and the analysis we’ve done into insights.

Let us consider this case. You are designing a new trapping experiment out at the Portal, Arizona field site. You want to know what types of animal in- and exclosures are catching in the most animals

surveys  %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  group_by(plot_type) %>% 
  filter(species_id == "NL") %>% 
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
## # Groups:   plot_type [5]
##   plot_type                     n
##   <chr>                     <int>
## 1 Control                     506
## 2 Long-term Krat Exclosure    141
## 3 Rodent Exclosure            121
## 4 Short-term Krat Exclosure   209
## 5 Spectab exclosure            68

We’ve seen this before. It looks fine. It gets the message across. We can, however, make it look a little nicer:

table <- surveys  %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  group_by(plot_type) %>% 
  filter(species_id == "NL") %>% 

knitr::kable(table )
plot_type n
Control 506
Long-term Krat Exclosure 141
Rodent Exclosure 121
Short-term Krat Exclosure 209
Spectab exclosure 68

We can make a few edits to display more intuitive labeling:

table <- table %>% 
  rename_at('plot_type', ~'Experimental Treatment')

table <- table %>% 
  rename_at('n', ~'Number Sampled')

Experimental Treatment Number Sampled
Control 506
Long-term Krat Exclosure 141
Rodent Exclosure 121
Short-term Krat Exclosure 209
Spectab exclosure 68

These are some viable options for small tables. Let’s think about bigger tables. Big things are hard to look at. Let’s get a good, but not overwhelming, amount of data.

data_for_table <- surveys %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  select(species_id, weight, year) %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>% 
## # A tibble: 26 × 2
##     year mean_weight
##    <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1  1977        46.6
##  2  1978        66.2
##  3  1979        63.2
##  4  1980        64.6
##  5  1981        65.2
##  6  1982        52.7
##  7  1983        54.7
##  8  1984        50.7
##  9  1985        46.4
## 10  1986        54.9
## # ℹ 16 more rows

We can try a visual with kable.

data_for_table <- surveys %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  select(species_id, weight, year) %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>% 
year mean_weight
1977 46.55512
1978 66.21739
1979 63.19056
1980 64.57789
1981 65.18014
1982 52.67731
1983 54.66106
1984 50.74800
1985 46.41154
1986 54.88319
1987 49.32500
1988 44.58118
1989 35.35225
1990 34.89904
1991 32.03571
1992 33.27897
1993 34.18859
1994 34.36813
1995 29.66978
1996 28.13416
1997 31.67637
1998 34.83116
1999 36.22316
2000 32.07805
2001 36.21897
2002 35.52647

This isn’t bad - it at least allows us to scroll and look at things. The DT package, however, allows us to look very comfortably at these data. We can even search!

data_for_table <- surveys %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  select(species_id, weight, year) %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>% 

Even looking at surveys isn’t so painful with datatable. It’s a real memory hog, though, so don’t everyone do it at once.