DUE Nov. 22 at 5 PM.

The goal of project three is to get you to make significant progress on the coding aspects of the Final Project. I don’t want people waiting until the last second to try coding it all the night before. That would be bad for everyone involved.


Part One

Part One of project three will be to write two of your custom functions for your R package. One must be to query and/or process data, one must be to visualize data.

Each function must:

  • Have appropriate input and output types
  • Do the task it’s supposed to do
  • It has to work
  • Have some way of evaluating either the output for correctness (i.e., knowing you actually dropped the NA values), or validating input (for your graphing function, it might be easier to evaluate that the inputs are right than the graph is)

Part Two

This content will be covered the week of Nov. 7, so don’t panic if you don’t know it yet.

  • Each function must have an appropriate header that adequately explains how the function works
  • The package must have a README file that explains what the package does and what functions are in it.

MS Students/H-Option

Part One

Part One of project three will be to write four of your five functions. One must be to query and/or process data, one must be to visualize data. One can be any function of your choice related to your research.

Each function must be in its own .R script, and have instructions to run it. All data to run it must be included.

Part Two

This content will be covered the week of Nov. 7, so don’t panic if you don’t know it yet.

  • Each function must have an appropriate header that adequately explains how the function works
  • The package must have a README file that explains what the package does and what functions are in it.

Part Three

I need three pieces of information from you:

  • What else do you need covered in this class?
  • Is anyone else in your lab doing similar analyses to what you are doing?
  • Do you think in the future, there will be other students working on your question in your lab?