This week, we will be starting with geospatial data and mapping. Today, we will begin with locality data in GBIF. GBIF is a website for aggregating location data from other sources.

We will work with two packages today. One is RGBIF, an interface to GBIF data maintained by the ROpenSci group.

## Installing package into '/home/rstudio-user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)
## Installing package into '/home/rstudio-user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)

Later in this lesson, we will also use the rotl package we’ve seen last week.


First, we’re going to try an example for one ant. We will query locality data and map it in a few ways. Then, you will figure out how to make the process of mapping data iterable over a set of taxa.

name_suggest("Atta mexicana")
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'crul':
##   method                 from
##   as.character.form_file httr
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##       key canonicalName rank   
## *   <int> <chr>         <chr>  
## 1 5035745 Atta mexicana SPECIES

Next, we’re going to use occ_search to search the GBIF database for where these things are occurring.

 occurences <- occ_search(taxonKey = 5035745, limit = 20)

Next, we will filter the resultant dataset to name and lat and longitude data.

## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.2.1     ✔ purrr   0.3.2
## ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ dplyr   0.8.3
## ✔ tidyr   0.8.3     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr   1.3.1     ✔ forcats 0.4.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

And finally, we will plot the data using leaflet

k <- leaflet::leaflet(no_na) %>% 
addTiles() %>% 
addMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude, popup = no_na$scientificName)

This looks much like plotting with ggplot and tidyverse. That’s because leaflet is based on the same principles. We establish a canvas and the data in the first line, then we add tiles (the actual map we will use), and then we add our points. When we think about it, this is quite similar to establishing a ggplot canvas, the axes, and the points to plot.

One point is easy. How often do we only want one point, though? Probably, we will want to plot several species. First, with a partner, work out how to get GBIF ids for a set of taxa.

ants <- c("Martialis", "Atta", "Ectatomma", "Tatuidris", "Aneuretus", "Xymmer", "Aenictus")

#Get GBIF ids for our vector of species.

ids <-c()
  for (ant in ants){
   raw <- name_suggest(ant)
   ids[ant] <- c(raw$key)
## [1] "Martialis"
## # A tibble: 72 x 3
##        key canonicalName         rank    
##  *   <int> <chr>                 <chr>   
##  1 7744356 Martialis             GENUS   
##  2 9599316 ? martialis           UNRANKED
##  3 7437085 Martialis heureka     SPECIES 
##  4 6349179 Hendersonia martialis SPECIES 
##  5 8655352 Electrapis martialis  SPECIES 
##  6 7395874 Cantharis martialis   SPECIES 
##  7 5510493 Globulina martialis   SPECIES 
##  8 5025232 Agathis martialis     SPECIES 
##  9 8005896 Scopula martialis     SPECIES 
## 10 5484304 Nectria martialis     SPECIES 
## # … with 62 more rows
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length
## [1] "Atta"
## # A tibble: 100 x 3
##        key canonicalName  rank   
##  *   <int> <chr>          <chr>  
##  1 1323108 Atta           GENUS  
##  2 6006602 Atta           GENUS  
##  3 5035739 Atta robusta   SPECIES
##  4 5035737 Atta goiana    SPECIES
##  5 8368352 Atta penetrans SPECIES
##  6 5035740 Atta silvae    SPECIES
##  7 5035749 Atta domicola  SPECIES
##  8 8772445 Atta turrifex  SPECIES
##  9 7359300 Atta didita    SPECIES
## 10 5035736 Atta columbica SPECIES
## # … with 90 more rows
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length
## [1] "Ectatomma"
## # A tibble: 90 x 3
##        key canonicalName         rank   
##  *   <int> <chr>                 <chr>  
##  1 1314135 Ectatomma             GENUS  
##  2 7570313 Ectatomma parasiticum SPECIES
##  3 9175376 Ectatomma rimulosum   SPECIES
##  4 4673127 Ectatomma socrus      SPECIES
##  5 1314147 Ectatomma edentatum   SPECIES
##  6 4673125 Ectatomma rothneyi    SPECIES
##  7 1314136 Ectatomma gibbum      SPECIES
##  8 1314144 Ectatomma planidens   SPECIES
##  9 1314149 Ectatomma opaciventre SPECIES
## 10 4673119 Ectatomma punctata    SPECIES
## # … with 80 more rows
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length
## [1] "Tatuidris"
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##       key canonicalName     rank   
## *   <int> <chr>             <chr>  
## 1 1319364 Tatuidris         GENUS  
## 2 1319365 Tatuidris tatusia SPECIES
## 3 9541003 Tatuidris kapasi  SPECIES
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length
## [1] "Aneuretus"
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##       key canonicalName     rank   
## *   <int> <chr>             <chr>  
## 1 1320037 Aneuretus         GENUS  
## 2 1320038 Aneuretus simoni  SPECIES
## 3 1737071 Decodes aneuretus SPECIES
## 4 1590997 Bibio aneuretus   SPECIES
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length
## [1] "Xymmer"
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##        key canonicalName rank   
## *    <int> <chr>         <chr>  
## 1  4674293 Xymmer        GENUS  
## 2 10000176 Xymmer ambvky SPECIES
## 3  8741954 Xymmer phungi SPECIES
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length
## [1] "Aenictus"
## # A tibble: 100 x 3
##        key canonicalName         rank   
##  *   <int> <chr>                 <chr>  
##  1 1317499 Aenictus              GENUS  
##  2 1317562 Aenictus javanus      SPECIES
##  3 1317538 Aenictus abeillei     SPECIES
##  4 1317644 Aenictus lifuiae      SPECIES
##  5 1317527 Aenictus alluaudi     SPECIES
##  6 1317564 Aenictus trigonus     SPECIES
##  7 1317605 Aenictus icarus       SPECIES
##  8 1317575 Aenictus dentatus     SPECIES
##  9 9136241 Aenictus tuberculatus SPECIES
## 10 9265079 Aenictus nishimurai   SPECIES
## # … with 90 more rows
## Warning in ids[ant] <- c(raw$key): number of items to replace is not a
## multiple of replacement length

Now, we will get the actual specimen occurrences for these ants. Practice using an apply function to do this. Inspect the object you’ve queried when you’ve completed your loop. Have we dealt with an object like this before?

#Search GBIF for the vector of IDs.
df <- lapply(ids, occ_search, return="data")

This is a vector or dataframes. Each individual query made it’s own dataframe. For simplicity, lets combine them into one dataframe object.

Since we will be plotting these with a map, we need complete data in both columns - lat and long. Let’s drop any columns without data in both.

Now let’s take a peek at our results!

# Plot the dataframe of observations
k <- leaflet::leaflet(no_na) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude, popup = no_na$scientificName)

GeoSpatial Choose Your Own Adventure

Below are six code snippets to do different types of map-based plotting. With a partner, discuss what you think would be interesting or important to view in these data. Choose a block of code to modify to accomplish your visualization. We will reconvene in about 30 minutes and do a Round Robin showing everyone’s maps. Have Fun!

leaflet(no_na) %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addCircles(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude)

Draw point sizes from a distribution

leaflet(no_na) %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude, radius = runif(100, 4, 10), color = c('red'))

Cluster observations

leaflet(no_na) %>%
  addTiles() %>% 
  addMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions())

Size points by number of observations

no_na %>% 
  group_by(decimalLatitude) %>% 
  mutate(n_areas = n())  %>% 
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude, radius = ~n_areas, color = c('red'))

Extra map color options (base maps)

Mapping a tree to space

We will need one package we haven’t used yet, Liam Revell’s Phytools.

## Loading required package: ape
## Loading required package: maps
## Attaching package: 'maps'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     map

Plotting a phylogeny to a map is a fairly simple task, but has a lot of data preparation work involved. The basic steps look like this:

  1. Synchronize names between GBIF and OpenTree
  2. Format GBIF data into a matrix
  3. Add branch lengths to our tree
  4. Plot

You may have noticed that the GBIF package includes citation information in the scientificName column. We will need to remove that. To do this, let’s try the strsplit function. This function splits a character string on a defined character and returns a vector of the elements in that character string.

For example:

## [[1]]
## [1] "This"   "is"     "my"     "string"

Try indexing this object. What do you need to do to access data? Now, with a partner, make this iterable across every row in the scientificName column. Then, unite the split objects into one new column called genusSpecies.

split_names <- no_na %>% 
mutate(genus = map_chr(scientificName, function(s) strsplit(s, " ")[[1]][1]))%>% mutate(species = map_chr(scientificName, function(s) strsplit(s, " ")[[1]][2])) %>% 
unite(col = genusSpecies, genus, species)

If you look at the data, there are some obviously mistaken values in there. For example, BOLD is not an ant species. Let’s drop that.

# Use ROTL to resolve names

no_bold <- split_names[ grep("BOLD", split_names$genusSpecies, invert = TRUE) , ]

We also ended up with far more ant taxa than I thought. What a nice problem to have! But let’s filter down to, say, five of them:

a_couple_ants <- c("Martialis_heureka", "Atta_mexicana", "Atta_cephalotes", "Atta_sexdens", "Atta_Fabricius")
subset_data <- no_bold %>% 
    filter(genusSpecies %in% a_couple_ants)

Now, let’s use ROTL to make sure we don’t have spelling errors.

Now, we will query our tree from OpenTree.

tree <- rotl::tol_induced_subtree(good_names$ott_id, label="name")
Progress [----------------------------------] 0/26 (  0%) ?s
Progress [================================] 26/26 (100%)  0s
## Warning in collapse_singles(tr, show_progress): Dropping singleton
## nodes with labels: mrcaott1682ott35311, mrcaott1682ott17752,
## mrcaott1682ott7438, mrcaott1682ott4706, mrcaott4706ott5525,
## mrcaott5525ott48019, mrcaott5525ott8038, mrcaott8038ott8685,
## mrcaott8685ott36581, mrcaott8685ott56535, mrcaott8685ott72729,
## mrcaott8685ott86888, mrcaott86888ott129302, Attini, mrcaott114767ott114779,
## mrcaott114779ott339738, mrcaott114779ott116619, mrcaott116619ott148996,
## mrcaott148996ott1071522, mrcaott148996ott150184, mrcaott148996ott339763,
## mrcaott148996ott409299, mrcaott409299ott709966, mrcaott409301ott997492,
## Martialinae, Martialis

Now, we must combine our GBIF data and our taxon names into a matrix, a two-dimensional data structure with fewer neat data parsing features than a dataframe or tibble. These structures are often preferred when speed is an issue. Matrices can only be one type, which means we must add the row names after generating the object.

And the big reveal! Let’s overlay our OpenTree with our map:

## Loading required package: viridisLite

obj<,only_lat_long, plot=FALSE, direction="rightwards")
## objective: 6
## objective: 6

Oh no! What has gone wrong?

This tree has several quirks. Have a look at the object and see if you can spot them.

#Answer here

- No branch lengths
- Not fully bifurcating

First, let’s resolve the polytomy issue. We will do this using Ape’s multi2di function, which arbitrarily resolves polytomies. In real life, you would probably want to think about this a little more.:

We’ll also need to add some branch lengths. In our case, we will draw them from an exponential distribution. The exponential is often assumed to be a reasonable approximation for banch lengths - you’ll hear more about this if you take my systematics lab ;)

In our case, we will use rexp to make the draws, and we will map them to a new attribute edge.length that is a standard attribute of the tree object. In reality, you would likely not want to do this for a publication quality analysis, and would want to estimate branch lengths from data. But being able to rescale branch lengths is a good skill for sensitivity and other similar analyses.

## [1] 0.04547217 0.69441869 0.08736920 1.60691154 2.31540105 1.16900540

Now let’s try that map again.

plot_object<,only_lat_long, plot=FALSE, direction="rightwards")
## objective: 6
## objective: 6
## objective: 4

Finally, we will actually plot to space.
